Texoma (Ray Roberts Lake) Hiking Campout
Now this was an interesting one. It was almost cancelled due to severe rain, lightning, and flooding, and we were about to go home, but...

L^3 (Life Long Leadership)
Life Long Leadership #1 2019 went quite well, although there wasn't as big a turnout as was to be hoped. The classroom portion went...

Camporee 2019
Camporee 2019 with the Longhorn Council was a lot of fun, and everyone had a great time. Troop 50 participated in all the events, and the...

Philmont Practice Hike#2
The practice hike for all those going to Philmont 2019 went really well and everyone had a good time. The weather was great and it...

Shotgun Campout 2019
This campout was a success. We had a lot of fun shooting almost 1000 birds and 875 shells, and everyone really enjoyed it. it was quite...

Mount Olivet Memorial Day Service
Yesterday was a beautiful ceremony at mount olivet cemetery. Many people came out to support and remember our troops that died for our...

Canoe campout
Troop 50 had awesome time canoeing down the Brazos River. And learning the safetys about canoes and how to paddle down the river.

Life Long Leadership
The scouts learned a lot about Leadership this past Sunday from Matthew, Dillon, Max, and Drew. They participated in a lot of fun...

Mitchell Kelly Eagle scout project
Mitchell Kelly had a awesome Eagle Scout project, building a sandbox and two benches for the Fortress Youth Development Center.

Trooperee campout
Troop 50 had a awesome trooperee campout down at Worth Ranch this past week. All the patrols Participated in fun activities such as ...